Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Describing My Personal Salvation Experience Without Using "Christian-ese"

So here is the project. Describe your conversion experience in 250 words or less without using Biblical terms, church terms, or "Christian-ese". In essence, tell a Non-Christian how you were "saved" in terms they can understand. This is my theology project for this week. Easy enough, right? Wrong. What does salvation, regeneration, being "born again", even sin, and other terms mean to someone who isn't a Christian or hasn't grown up in the church their whole life? Ultimately nothing or these terms are vague and diluted at best. Here is my attempt to do just that, describe how God saved me without using any of these terms or at the very least I will try to define them in very short definitions.

Salvation is this: A person must recognize that there is a God, and that He is three parts (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). They must recognize that they are born a sinner (separated from God). That without Him their life is empty and meaningless (dead). Jesus (The Son) is the answer: He was sent by God (The Father) to be a bridge, to take the sin of all man-kind onto Himself. The only way he could do this was live a perfect human life and to die. At His death Jesus took on the sin of the world (past, present and future). Because Jesus is God, He didn't stay dead, but after three days He rose again to life.  This is why Jesus is called life and the light of the world, because He saves us, (salvation). This is important to salvation. A person must feel a deep urge and wanting to believe and follow God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). They must turn from this life of sin (death), toward God and believe in Him (life). So two things happen in Salvation: God calls a person to believe in Him when they hear this message. How? A deep desire to learn more about Him or a deep desire to follow Him. The second thing that must happen in Salvation: a person must respond to God's call, (believe, turn from sin, and follow Him). This experience of Salvation happened to me when I was eight years old. (246 words)

- Jared Kaijala


  1. I know you only had 250 words but I feel "At His death Jesus took on the sin of the world" needs some more and/or different explanation for a non-believer. Also "to follow him" is in the same boat. We have grown up in Christian families and these words and phrases have been so often used that we know them so well (or think we do). We think they are obvious to anyone who hears about it but I've talked to people and they are difficult concepts to grasp if you have not grown up with it. Anyway that's a great assignment! It is way better than anything I would have come up with, Good Work! Just wanted to share some of my thoughts to keep you challenged and thinking. Keep the blogs coming!

  2. There is also this:

    Romans 10:9-10 (New International Version, ©2010)

    9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

  3. Hey Peter. Both good points. I was trying to explain Scriptural concepts without using Scripture. It was tough to do but a good challenge. It makes you think about sharing your faith and what you're saying my have no meaning to the person hearing it.
