Tuesday, February 8, 2011

There are rules

This blog will raise questions about theology in an attempt to answer some of those questions or at the very least clear the muddied waters. It is impossible to approach theology with a completely objective point of view, all I ask is that you follow the rules of systematic theology rather than a pure opinionated approach. Those with a close minded perspective are neither respectful to the other side nor care about pursuing any understanding out side their own. "Me and my truth" will not fly here. There is such a thing as true and not true, rite and wrong. If we can not agree on this Truth then we can not agree at all. Now not all answers are black and white and I do understand this, you must come to grips with this as well. The final thing I will say on this is not all questions of God have human answers, yet a better understanding of the theology can be reached.

Now as for me, I am a Christian, seeking Christ minded answers, real truth from the Bible, not my opinion or my truth, but solid Scriptural truth. Mud has been slung at both sides, so I will do my best to settle the chaos. Know that Christians are just as guilty about handling Scripture as non-believers. But I will neither belittle nor disrespect the other side. I only ask that you do the same.

My final request is this: If your a non-believer, an atheist, a Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, or just a regular seeker of truth, please leave (as best you can) your presuppositions at the door of this blog.

Thank you, and I look forward to blogging you.

-Jared Kaijala


  1. What are you views on swearing? What does the bible say about it? Message me on Facebook or maybe it can be a topic on your next blog...

  2. Hey Peter, thanks for the topic. I started to write to you as a comment, but it was way too long so it became a topic. This has been a good time.
